Donations Sought to Help Fund GMVFD !

Green Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (GMVFD) works with Huntsville Fire and Rescue to maintain the ISO 1 rating awarded to Huntsville Fire.  This premier rating means each homeowner pays up to 66% less for our fire insurance than we would (and have) with a higher ISO rating.  Without the physical presence of GMVFD members responding to the medical and fire calls here on Green Mountain this area would not qualify for the ISO 1 rating which would have us paying the higher cost.

With increased construction and consequent increased population our call volume is increasing too.  We have new members aggressively pursuing training as Firefighters and EMTs. (We are always looking for more!)  But the current dedicated group of responders, the group currently training, and any new recruits create a need for classes, certificate maintenance, and appropriate gear, including ISO rated turnout gear for firefighters.

We now have a significant requirement to house our woodland fire and medical rescue equipment in a heated garage. The current garage is full with housing two engines: one Huntsville’s and one GMVFD’s.  There are currently no immediate plans for the City of Huntsville to build our future fire station on the Passive Park.  In the meantime, we must provide the space at the present Fire House site to protect our equipment.

We receive a nominal stipend from the state that does not cover the above expenses. We can really use donations from the community to help fund these necessities.  Your personal donations for the building of the garage or the turnouts are tax deductible.  We hope you will consider supporting the Green Mountain Volunteer Fire Department with a generous donation this year.

For faster receipt turn-around, please send donations to

GMFVD c/o Ron Shaffer

5008 Green Oakes Circle

Huntsville, AL 35803

If you have questions, please contact us .. Thank you,

Ron Shaffer: GMVFD President..  ronshaffer @ or 881-8105

As a footnote to those who would like to use community foundations as a mechanism to donate, please be aware that our IRS status transition from 501c4 to 501c3 is filed and pending.  We hope that you will consider that in your Philanthropy planning this year!